Parent Education Events

Each cooperative preschool may host its own parent education events throughout the year at a frequency that suits their school and families. Topics for parent education events have varied widely from child development, anti-racist parenting, sibling relationships to addressing difficult subjects (e.g. death).

SFCPPNS hosts an annual citywide parent education event with different topics and guest speakers each year. These events are free for all San Francisco co-op families to attend.

2023 Citywide Parent Education Event

Neurodivergent Inclusion in Preschools

Lina Fancy aims to empower parents to not only ensure their child is getting all the support and services they need, but also how to scaffold their development themselves so that they can do everything they can to holistically support their child’s success. After 20 years in Autism, and 12 years as the director of the parent coaching clinic Jumpstart, at the Autism Center of Northern California, Lina Fancy now guides parents to REACH, LEARN, CONNECT, and HEAL.

To learn more about Lina Fancy, visit

2022 Citywide Parent Education Event

Navigating Big Emotions with Little Kids

Chazz Lewis, Parent/Educator Consultant

Mr. Chazz’s career in education began as a Montessori teacher. During the pandemic, he saw the challenges families and parents were facing, so he turned to social media to offer his support. Today, he has more than 150,000 followers on multiple platforms.

Mr. Chazz describes his vision for the world in three words: “See, Guide, and Trust.” He wants to empower adults to truly see children, more effectively guide them, and trust that children are doing the best they can with the skills they have in the moment.

2021 Citywide Parent Education Event

Teaching Our Kids About Anti-Racism + Social Justice

Janelle Scales, Anti-Bias Educator

Janelle Scales is an organizer, activist, storyteller, and writer. She has been educating children and adults for over 8 years on social justice topics including but not limited to racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism etc.

Her personal conviction and commitment to social justice resonates, convicts and inspires audiences to engage in self reflection and community action.